Orofino… Post Script by Bruce Wood (DDT)

Well, I did wake the next morning… against the odds and in spite of some doubts I’d had when I first hit the hay… Geeeez, I’ve simply got to remember I ain’t twenty something anymore! No broken bones, aching joints or sore back, though… so, I appeared to be more or less intact and in relatively good shape… considering…

I was quite groggy, however, and it was a serious struggle to put the coffee on and then patiently wait for it to brew. Thank goodness I had prepared all of that before going out the evening before… All I really had to do was just push a button, but like I said, that was still a serious struggle…

My headbone was not hurting! You’d think I would have had a three alarm bangeroo, but nope… Destiny is still most merciful to this foolish lad… I cranked up my laptop while I continued to wait on the coffee to finish whatever it was doing that was taking so long…

I must have dozed off, because I jolted upright when my head contacted the keyboard. Hmmm, perhaps this isn’t such a good idea… I crawled back onto the bed… and some more time passed…

When I awoke again, the coffee was finally ready… but, I have no idea how long it might have been so… Another dose of mercy… it was strong, hot, and ready to perform its critical task… WOW!

I went outside to see what the new day looked like, to catch a breath of fresh air, and to continue to attempt to clear the cobwebs in my head that were short-circuiting my synaptic connections and causing all sorts of weird uncoordinated movements, and some pretty peculiar thoughts… Been a while since I’ve experienced this.

Several of the bikers were already outside wiping down their rides, cleaning windshields, storing bike covers, loading travel bags… the usual pre-ride rituals seen everywhere. I watched and thought about how I don’t normally do cleaning stuff like that.

My head rises well above the windshield, so I not only don’t look through it, I can’t without bending over and scrunching down a bit… All the bugs and stuff that collect on the shield have no limiting effect on my vision, so…

A few guys chatted as they passed by or backed up to admire their own babies… and, I did my best to fake coherent conversation. Dang! Did it used to be this hard? I’m going back to bed…

When I arose once again, only my two neighbors were left. They were putting the finishing touches on their preparations, having just returned from breakfast… They were staying over another night, too, and they were going for a local ride that day… Have a good one, I said, as I walked towards the office…

Yeah, I’m most definitely staying tonight too, and maybe tomorrow night, as well, I told the nice lady behind the counter. No problem, she responded, we aren’t booked-up until next weekend… Fab… I should be able to leave by then; I think… probably… I hope…

I walked back to the room and restarted my laptop. Wonder what’s going on in the world…? Yeah, like I could actually do something about it… Old habits are just hard to break, I guess…

I took a couple more naps that day, and I generally did what I needed to do without going to any extremes or engaging in anything strenuous, stressful or intellectually challenging… I did walk over to the Ponderosa/Brass Rail for some chow, but other than that, I didn’t stray more than a few yards from the room… until mid-afternoon.

Nope, I did not go in search of merriment and frivolity, or dancing partners either… I rode down to a convenience store and bought some junk food and soda… I figured my body needed something like that, and my youthful figure is such that it can stand a little over indulgence from time to time… Yes, I do lie to myself on occasion…

Back to the room, where I remained until the following morning… a couple more naps, then bedtime. When I awoke this time, everything was different! The coffee brewed right away, I felt great, and I had no idea where this new-found energy was coming from, unless it was perhaps a sugar rush from the evening before. Whatever, I was primed…

I went outside and watched the remaining bikers repeat what they’d all done the morning before… To each his own, I reckon… My two neighbors had their prized Milwaukee products spit-shined and ready to rock and roll. They actually were really nice looking rides… to much work for my taste, though…

We said our farewells, and then they were off too… only I remained again. Then inexplicably a most unusual thought crossed my mind! I found it hard to believe myself, but I actually took that idea and ran with it. Yep, I went inside and took the two rags provided by the motel, soaked one, and returned to ALI… and I cleaned off her windshield! I know, right? Who’d a thought it!

I got a warm glow just looking at her… Then another thought crossed my mind… We just might be road ready today! Yeah!!! I went back inside, packed everything up, then strapped it all on ALI. I informed the nice lady in the office of my most recent revision to my non-plan, then put the kickstand in its proper position, and ALI did the rest… So long, Orofino… see ya in another decade or so…

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