
God’s Special Angels — 1 Comment

  1. Willow,
    I’m just starting to peruse your website and this entry caught my attention since I’m an avid believer in Guardian Angels. I even talk out loud to them like I do God. I tell them that I don’t know who they are but I’m grateful for them being there while I ride my Valk, sometimes foolishly fast but most of the time in an adult responsible manner. Hehehe Popcorn, T-Bird and others are passing through to the Gotf and will be staying in my art gallery where I have an incredible piece on the wall dedicated to angels. Incredible only because my hands were guided by the hand of God. This piece won 4th place in a world art competition with so many entries, it took six weeks to jury that all of the pieces. Anyway, bent your ear too much. I’m looking forward to going through this site. Gary

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