Detour … by Bruce Wood (DDT)

No place to be, no one to please, nobody to impress, nothing left to prove… so why not? Yeah, I’m on a major road trip to be sure, but… do I really have to ride every day? Do I really have to do anything at all?

So, the other night I made another curious call… I rented a cabin in Idaho online for five days starting this Saturday. Heck, Thursday I’ll have been on the road two weeks with only one day off, so… what the hey… I know about where that cabin is, so I’m vaguely familiar with the area, but it has other virtues and appeal, too.

For starters it is off the beaten path, on twenty-seven secluded acres on a mountain overlooking the Clearwater River. It’s near Orofino, ID, just off US HWY 12 down the west side of the Lolo Pass. I’ve ridden through there several times, and I’ve even stayed in Orofino a couple of nights at a time on a couple of occasions.

I’m thinking it might be perfect for some relaxation, reflection, and contemplation… It’ll also afford me an opportunity to continue my so far illusive quest to grill a good steak… or to grill a steak good… whatever…

I’ll be able to do laundry, lollygag some, wander around local roads, drop by local diners, you know, stuff I don’t normally do on a road trip, at least not this way. Well, I have done some of this before, and it is a nice respite from the ‘routine’ of daily random travel. It also solves the problem of where to stay each night… I won’t have to scramble for a room over the Labor Day weekend, and I for sure won’t have to fight holiday traffic. Plus, any elevated pooperosity levels can also be easily addressed.

More than anything, though, I’ll have an opportunity to do some clear thinking in an environment seemingly most conducive for that. I do have a thing or two to ponder. ‘End of life’ is a morbid thought most of us avoid because of its obvious connotation. The topic itself is repugnant, distasteful, unpleasant, not to mention downright scary! Still…

I need to write out some updated specific instructions and list all pertinent information so the settling of my affairs will be relatively easy and simple… I need to rethink all of my ‘living will’ issues, organ donor information, making a new will, lots of stuff we don’t normally think of off the top of our head… I’m sure my daughter will appreciate my effort! This is nothing new… I’ve done all of this before following significant change in my life… and now it’s time to do it again…

Another nagging issue is writing a book. When I was first asked about that, my flippant answer was there were only two things standing in my way… To write a book one needs to have something worthwhile to say; then, they need to be able to say it well. I lack both items! Still, questions persist…

I have seriously considered doing something like that. On the other hand, I’ve also considered the implications of taking on such a task. I enjoy playing around with my thoughts and experiences; and, writing them down does have a way of helping me remember details and record them for later. It’s also fun to receive positive feedback from my friends. I wouldn’t want this to ever turn into work, though, and I fear that could happen.

I have a mental picture of a ruthless, relentless editor pressing me to spice things up, add some pizazz, perhaps throw in a few salacious details… “This is too bland and needs re-writing.” Humbug! I’m just enjoying my life, man, get off my back!!! So… I’ve not done anything about this so far… Maybe it’s time to think about it some more… Nah, probably not…

At the moment I see myself sitting in the shade of that cabin starring off into the distance, allowing my brain to ‘free-wheel’ and ponder whatever might bubble up to the fore… I love doing that. I’ve been doing it for years!

I remember thirty years or so ago pulling over along the Blue Ridge Parkway, setting up my camp chair in the shade and just enjoying the good feeling that comes from thinking about things that don’t usually cross my mind during ‘normal’ life… I’ve been doing it all across North America ever since… And, I think I’m a better person for it…

Anyway, I’ve paid the money and locked down the deal… Five days in a remote cabin… solitude, time, a grill, who knows, I’ll probably do a campfire, too… Heck, I might even practice yodeling…

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